Lent by definition is the 40 day season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. It's a period of preparation .. It started on March 2nd and ends on April 14th this year. Many people will choose to give something up thinking that is all there is to it. They give up a food, a drink or even the internet (which means they won't get to read this blog). In reality, Lent is to be a period of preparation.
Think about Jesus 40 days in the wilderness as He prepared for his ministry, it is said many of the disciples would fast and pray before going on a missionary trip. I wonder if we could prepare in other ways as we reflect on the real ministry of Christ. Some ideas that come to mind are:
Be less angry and hostile to others who cross us in some way. Remove harsh words from out mouth.
Be open to serving others in need whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual needs.
Give volunteer time to something that will further the message of love and salvation.
Spend time every day reading the scripture, particularly the gospels that describe the life and ministry of Christ. Seek to learn the truths spoken by Christ.
Focus on forgiveness of others.
Pray for our nation, the world and our neighbors.
Give sacrificially and silently to some cause that we believe is important to the ministry of the gospel.
Attend a church service or two, even if it's online or virtual. Scripture says, we learn when connected to other believers.
Tell one person about our faith.
Be kind to those that need kindness.
Let's prepare with more than words this year. More than a single act, let's prepare ourselves to truly understand the truthes of Christ.