In the midst of a generation screaming for answers, Christians are stuttering .- Howard Hendricks.
Recently I have had the opportunity to hear from people who have been hurt by the actions of a church or professed believer. It pains me to think that the very basis of my faith has been used to hurt someone and it seems so contrary to my beliefs that I sometimes struggle to understand what has driven that wedge so deep between a person and Christ that it will take a miracle directed by Christ himself to fix it. Don't get me wrong. I am not sinless and I have my moments but when I have watched or read about some actions of church leaders who have used their position and power over someone to manipulate and sometimes abuse another person, I am not just appalled but i am angry that they have done so in the name of Christ. I don't believe that believers should "air the laundry" of the church in public as I believe it causes discontent and conflict within the body but I want to say with all honesty, if you have been hurt by a church,"I am sorry." If you have been abused by someone claiming Christ," I am sorry." If for some reason someone has offended you through hatred and bigotry yet claiming the love of Christ, "I am sorry." The recent documentaries and articles on churches and church leaders that have gone down the path of arrogance, immorality and even manipulation brings many of those who try to live according to the words of God in to a level of distrust for those in the world. Don't get me wrong, the church is not perfect and not made up of perfect people. Conflicts, hurt and pain is a part of each of our lives and sometimes appears in ways that show us all in a bad light. The church is not a perfect institution as it is not made up on perfect people.
Scripture says, All have sinned and come short of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23) but it also says, "So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."- James 2:17. While we as believers have struggled to hold to the teachings of Christ, we have stuttered in our perseverance. Holding people accountable for sin means holding all accountable. The church cannot give a pass to church members and leaders who reject the gospel message by their actions. We should defend the very people who most need us and stand up and be counted as we try our best to reach out to the world. To those that need us, we are here. To those that have struggles we are here. To those who have been hurt, we are here. John 15:13 says, "greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13). Let's not stutter in defending the gospel. Let us stand and shout the true message of Christ above all else.
“America is an angry nation- angry because of the emotional distress caused by the breakup of the home, angry because of crime; angry because of a perceived betrayal by politicians, angry also because each side in the culture wars sees the other as the enemy of all that America should stand for. We need to heal rather than hurt; we need to unite rather than divide. We have to model reconciliation in our churches so that the world will see what a redeemed community looks like. We must defend the gospel, though not ourselves, No retaliation, no threats, no self-pity. Just endurance, patience and love.” from Hitler’s Cross, 1998 by Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, Senior Pastor of Moody Memorial Church.